Business As Usual

Sebastian Befumo

Sebastian Befumo presents three new works which respond to PS Art Space's voluminous ground floor. His monumental assemblages shape space and elevate everyday materials to a new level of appreciation. Since he was 19, Befumo has worked in the demolitions industry – the salvaged remnants of derelict and demolished properties from around Perth provide him with the materials from which he fashions his artworks. Perth based writer Andrew Purvis describes Befumo's work as: ' a cross between a Le Corbusier fantasy and a run-down Brazilian favela. Befumo is keenly interested in the future of Western Australia’s urban planning: whether the city will continue to sprawl out along its coastline or whether it will expand upwards in densely packed high-rise buildings. The artist’s fascination with both the future and the past of his own urban environment animates this current body of work.'

Befumo graduated with a Bachelor of Contemporary Art from Edith Cowan University in 2011, and has since held two solo exhibitions, Doors and Filters, Free Range Gallery (2012), Doors and Filters Part Two, Spectrum Project Space (2013). He is also undertaking an intensive three month residency and mentorship this year with Residencia Corazon in La Plata, Buenos Aires, and received a Young People and the Arts Fellowship from the Department of Culture and the Arts.

The exhibition is supported by The Department of Culture and the Arts.

Images courtesy of the artist