Hidden Treasures 2016
Lower Spectrum, James Whineray, Luna Laure, Alyian
Four new commissions by local video artists in response to the musical programming for the Hidden Treasures Festival in Fremantle's West End.
in response to Mathas and Beni Bjah
West Australian artist James Whineray presents Review A new multi channel video work depicting the 'life review' phenomenon of chronological self-analysis. Review is a sequence of images photographed by James across different photographic formats over the past 10 years. The viewer is presented with a series of photographic impressions coupled with video reverberation suggestive of ’life flashing before one’s eyes’.
Thursday 14 July 2016, 8pm-11.30pm
Fri 15 July, Tue 19 July & Wed 20 July 2016
in reponse to Pow Negro, Soukoss International
Homines Machinae - Exploring the relationship between men and technology, the video projection is a retro-futuristic visual odyssey that juxtaposes the man-made science of music and the abundance of machines surrounding us. Using archival footage, such as blues performances from the 1940s and 1950s, as well as modern, original footage, this screen based work links the old to the new to make a new space where music, machines and images all collide.
Thursday 21 July 2016, 8pm-11.30pm
Fri 22 July, Tue 26 July & Wed 27 July 2016
in response to Golden String, Sean O'Oneill & Mei Saraswati
A kaleidoscopic visual voyage will engage and correspond to the music on the night, weaving natural elements with fractured light, form, decay and archival footage that reciprocates harmony and movement. Piecing together a visual story that encompasses these intrinsic details will accompany the evening bringing together an engaging cinematic aura.
Thursday 28 July 2016, 8pm-11.30pm
Fri 29 July, Tue 2 August & Wed 3 August, 10am-4pm
in response to Jacob Diamond & Usurper of Modern Medicine
Presenting synchronised geometric visuals that dynamically responding to the music calling upon ancient symbolism and architecture including excerpts from Exoterica II - a projection mapped performance piece Alyian exhibited in Iceland in November 2015 that uses Nordic mythological motifs combined with natural imagery of Iceland.
Thursday 7 July 2016, 8pm-11.30pm
Fri 8 July, Tue 12 July & Wed 13 July 2016, 10am-4pm
This event is supported by the City of Fremantle
in response to Mathas and Beni Bjah
West Australian artist James Whineray presents Review A new multi channel video work depicting the 'life review' phenomenon of chronological self-analysis. Review is a sequence of images photographed by James across different photographic formats over the past 10 years. The viewer is presented with a series of photographic impressions coupled with video reverberation suggestive of ’life flashing before one’s eyes’.
Thursday 14 July 2016, 8pm-11.30pm
Fri 15 July, Tue 19 July & Wed 20 July 2016
in reponse to Pow Negro, Soukoss International
Homines Machinae - Exploring the relationship between men and technology, the video projection is a retro-futuristic visual odyssey that juxtaposes the man-made science of music and the abundance of machines surrounding us. Using archival footage, such as blues performances from the 1940s and 1950s, as well as modern, original footage, this screen based work links the old to the new to make a new space where music, machines and images all collide.
Thursday 21 July 2016, 8pm-11.30pm
Fri 22 July, Tue 26 July & Wed 27 July 2016
in response to Golden String, Sean O'Oneill & Mei Saraswati
A kaleidoscopic visual voyage will engage and correspond to the music on the night, weaving natural elements with fractured light, form, decay and archival footage that reciprocates harmony and movement. Piecing together a visual story that encompasses these intrinsic details will accompany the evening bringing together an engaging cinematic aura.
Thursday 28 July 2016, 8pm-11.30pm
Fri 29 July, Tue 2 August & Wed 3 August, 10am-4pm
in response to Jacob Diamond & Usurper of Modern Medicine
Presenting synchronised geometric visuals that dynamically responding to the music calling upon ancient symbolism and architecture including excerpts from Exoterica II - a projection mapped performance piece Alyian exhibited in Iceland in November 2015 that uses Nordic mythological motifs combined with natural imagery of Iceland.
Thursday 7 July 2016, 8pm-11.30pm
Fri 8 July, Tue 12 July & Wed 13 July 2016, 10am-4pm
This event is supported by the City of Fremantle