Preview 2014

World Press Photo

The annual WPPH Contest is the largest press photography competition in the world and the leading international contest in visual journalism, drawing entries from professional press photographers, photojournalists and documentary photographers across the world. The annual WPPH exhibition showcases the award-winning images from each contest category.

The members of the WPPH jury 2014 will announce the new winners at a press conference to be held at the WPPH office in Amsterdam on 14 February 2014, with a preview of the winners of the 2014 contest will be presented at PS Art Space on Thursday 20 February 2014. The preview will comprise a 45 minute slide presentation that will form part of the exhibition in Perth for 2015.

WPPH is an independent non-profit organisation founded in Amsterdam, the Netherlands in 1955. The foundation is committed to supporting and advancing high standards in photojournalism and documentary storytelling worldwide. Its aim is to generate wide public interest in and appreciation for the work of photographers and other visual journalists, and for the free exchange of information. Activities include organising annual photojournalism and multimedia contests and global exhibition tours. The programs of the WPPH Academy strive to stimulate high-quality visual journalism through educational programs, grants and a variety of publications.

World Press Photo receives support from the Dutch Postcode Lottery and is sponsored worldwide by Canon.

Presented by World Press Photo Perth, Mica Exhibitions and PS Art Space
A Fringe World Event

Image: 1st Prize Contemporary Issues Stories, Maika Elan, Vietnam, MoST Artists

22 June 2012, Hoh Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Phan Thi Thuy Vy (20, left) and Dang Thi Bich Bay (20), both students, relax at the end of the day watching television. They have been together for a year. Vietnam has historically been unwelcoming to same-sex couples, but in 2012 the Vietnamese government announced it was considering recognizing same-sex marriage, a move that would make it the first Asian country to do so. Despite past human rights issues and a long-standing stigma against homosexuality, parliamentary debate on same-sex marriage was scheduled for 2013. Polls showed that majority public opinion remained opposed to the idea. In August 2012, the country’s first gay pride parade took place in Hanoi.